Author Archives: CrossmintonCS

Swiss Speed Badminton – Non-Renewal of ICO Membership in 2016

Swiss Speed Badminton – Non-Renewal of ISBO / ICO Membership in 2016

The Swiss Speed Badminton Association does not extend its membership to the International Speed Badminton Organization or the International Cross Minton Organisation (ISBO / ICO) in 2016th.

Swiss Speed Badminton – Nichterneuerung Mitgliedschaft ISBO/ICO

Der Swiss Speed Badminton Verband verlängert ab dem  01.01.2016 seine Mitgliedschaft bei der Internationalen Speed Badminton Organisation bzw. der Internationalen Crossminton Organisation (ISBO / ICO) nicht.

Further Information (in German and English)


The name of the game Speedminton – Speed Badminton – Crossminton

Ouch…I am confused. One racket sport – three names for it. How can that happen? At presently moment the correct name is still “Speed Badminton” (two words, not “speedbadminton”). The name was given by Bill Brandes who has invented the … read more