The measures of a crossminton court
The equipment
The official tournament ball (“speeder” or “match speeder”) of the company Speedminton
Some rackets of the companies Speedminton or VicFun (page 6 and 7)
Start a game by throwing a speeder
By lot (generally drawn by throwing a speeder) the winning player can decide who begins to serve OR in which square a player must beginn. If the winning player takes the first choice (decision who must begin to serve) the other player can decide for the second choice (square). If the winning player takes the second choice (square) the other player can decide for the first choice (serve).
Do you have a good service? Take choice one and begin to serve! But if your are facing the sun on one side of the squares then you should take choice two and go to the other square so that the sun is in your back.Service
Every player has three serves. The serve must be done in the service zone and must be played bottom-up. The first serve of the next set is done by the loser of the previous set. From a score of 15:15 on, the serve changes every score!
Be aware of not touching the floor with your foot out of the service zone the moment you are serving!Counting and sets
A game lasts for two winnig sets. A set is over when one player has scored 16. But from a score of 15:15 on, a player has to have two scores more in difference than the other player in order to win a set (e. g. 19:17).
Changing the sides
After the first and the second set the players must change the sides of the squares. If it is necessary to play a third set the sides in the last set must be changed every 6 scores!
Reaching scores
The rally-score-sytem must be used. That means that a player can also make score though he hasnt served.
Generally a player will get a score if the speeder touches the floor of the opposing square. The lines belong to the square and therefore the speeder is “in”. But there are further possibilities to get scores:
- the opponent isnt able to serve or return the speeder on the floor of your square (speeder touches the floor outside your square)
- the opponent touches the speeder with his body before your served or returned speeder has touched the floor (though the speeder could have touched the floor out of his square)
- the opponent hasnt served correctly (e. g. his foot touches an area on the floor out of the service zone the moment he is serving or hasnt served bottom-up)
- the opponent serves or returns the speeder and it would touch something else (expect for your body) before the speeder touches the floor (even though the speeder might drop the floor of your square)
The Game