Crossminton is a relatively new Racket Sports Game which was invented by Bill Brandes at about the turn of millennium.

Bill Brandes, the inventor of the “speeder”, in Berlin 2011
Until the end of 2015 the game is still named Speed Badminton. But because of the word “Badminton” causes confusions and the Badminton World Federation has demanded to delete the word out of the name the game will be named Crossminton from the year 2016.
Crossminton combines elements from badminton, squash and tennis but there isnt needed a net. The court consists of two fixed squares of 5.50 m length and its are opposite to each other at a distance of 12.80 m. DETAILED RULES
Today, Crossminton is played all around the world and there are many official tournaments which are organized by the International Speed Badminton Organisation and/or by the national associations which are its members. However, the game can be played indoor or outdoor and just for fun or it can be played in strict accordance of the official ISBO-Rules.

The ball called “speeder” looks like similar to a shuttlecock. But it is smaller and heavier and therefore it can fly up to ca. 290 km/h.
There are special rackets to use. Its are most similar to a squashracket but its arent the same.Today there are only two companies who sell the rackets:Speedminton and VicFun.
Are you interested in playing crossminton? We created a list with many associations and its teams who are members of the International Speed Badminton Organisation. Its national associations you can find HERE. Its teams you can find HERE.
The Game