“Kiosk movement”: What is crossminton and why it can grow almost everyone? read more
In pickleball, players use hard paddles instead of tennis rackets to bat a hard plastic ball similar to a whiffle ball across a net on a badminton-sized court. read more
Paddle is a mixture of squash and tennis Welcome to the club. National Sport in Spain and Argentina, Paddle is developing in Europe. read more
Do you know what “Crossminton” is? Many have not even heard of a sport called Speed Badminton or Speedminton… read more
SpeedLights have lost but won against Poing Munich Crossminton Team completed demanding Double Gameday (…) read more
Speedminton Polish Open. Kilkaset meczów, 25 boisk i ponad 100 zawodników na Narodowym read more
The Crossminton Club “Bill Brandes” has ten members in their first steps in the capital It is a new sport that… read more
“It is hard to top the success” says the coach and team boss Michael Franke… read more
Meet crossminton in sports Elderveld in Arnhem ARNHEM – In sports hall Elderveld Arnhem given a free… read more