Do you know what “Crossminton” is?

Do you know what “Crossminton” is?

Many have not even heard of a sport called Speed Badminton or Speedminton, and it has already officially changed its name toCrossminton. (…)

Znate li što je crossminton?

Mnogi još nisu ni čuli za sport naziva speed badminton ili speedminton, a on je već službeno promijenio ime u – crossminton. (…)


More at -> HRT MAgazin

SpeedLights have lost but won against Poing

SpeedLights have lost but won against Poing

Munich Crossminton Team completed demanding Double Gameday (…)

SpeedLights verlieren und gewinnen gegen Poing

Münchner Crossminton-Team absolviert anspruchsvollen Doppelspieltag (…)


More at -> Münchner Wochen Anzeiger

ICO Speedminton – Polish Open 2016 – International Crossminton Tournament

Speedminton (Crossminton) Polish Open. Several hundred matches, 25 fields and more than 100 athletes at the National
ICO Speedminton Polish Open 2016 is an international tournament of Crossminton. (…)

Speedminton Polish Open. Kilkaset meczów, 25 boisk i ponad 100 zawodników na Narodowym

ICO Speedminton Polish Open 2016 to międzynarodowy turniej crossmintona. (…)


More at -> Warszawa

Eager to grow – The Crossminton Club “Bill Brandes” has ten members

The Crossminton Club “Bill Brandes” has ten members in their first steps in the capital

It is a new sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton and squash (…)

Con ganas de crecer – El Club Bill Brandes de crossminton cuenta con diez integrantes en sus primeros pasos en la capital

Se trata de un deporte nuevo que mezcla elementos del tenis, el bádminton y el squash (…)



Swiss Speed Badminton – Non-Renewal of ICO Membership in 2016

Swiss Speed Badminton – Non-Renewal of ISBO / ICO Membership in 2016

The Swiss Speed Badminton Association does not extend its membership to the International Speed Badminton Organization or the International Cross Minton Organisation (ISBO / ICO) in 2016th.

Swiss Speed Badminton – Nichterneuerung Mitgliedschaft ISBO/ICO

Der Swiss Speed Badminton Verband verlängert ab dem  01.01.2016 seine Mitgliedschaft bei der Internationalen Speed Badminton Organisation bzw. der Internationalen Crossminton Organisation (ISBO / ICO) nicht.

Further Information (in German and English)


German Budesliga – Second Season – “It is hard to top the success”

 “It is hard to top the success”

says the coach and team boss Michael Franke.

Time Sports Hessisch Oldendorf starts on Sunday in the second season of the Crossminton Bundesliga

 „Es wird schwer, die Erfolge zu toppen“

sagt der Trainer und Vereinschef Michael Franke.

Time Sports Hessisch Oldendorf startet am Sonntag in die zweite Saison der Crossminton-Bundesliga


More at -> -> Sport-Mix

DCV Bundesliga is going to start to the new season 2016


The DCV (Deutscher Crossminton Verband – German Crossminton Association) is going to start the Bundesliga season 2016 with 28 teams from 21 clubs.

The 1st League North, the 1st League West and the 2nd Division West will start on the last weekend of February (27.02 & 28.02.2016), the East season begins with a capital Gamesday.

All teams in the 1st League East meet in Görlitz for the opening matchday. In Nuremberg the first games of the 1st League South take place.

Further Information

DCV Bundesliga startet in die neue Saison


Meet crossminton in sports Elderveld in Arnhem

Meet crossminton in sports Elderveld in Arnhem

ARNHEM – In sports hall Elderveld Arnhem given a free workshop crossminton. (…)

Kennismaken met crossminton bij sporthal Elderveld in Arnhem

ARNHEM – In sporthal Elderveld in Arnhem wordt dinsdag 9 februari een gratis workshop crossminton gegeven. (…)


More at -> de Gelderlander